To regulate such lands received as donation, to transfer the title of the lands to the name of the Bhoodan Board and to distribute the lands to the landless poor,
Tamilnadu Bhoodan Yagna Act, 1958 was enacted and rules framed thereunder.
In G.O (Ms.) No. 144, Rural Development and Panchayat Raj
Department dated 11.10.2006 the Bhoodan subject has been transferred under the control of
Land Reforms Department.
In G.O. (Ms) No. 493, Revenue [LR-I(1)] Department, dated 23.12.2009, Tamil Nadu Bhoodan Board has been reconstituted under the Chairmanship of
Hon'ble Minister for Khadhi with 14 other official and
non-official members
(as on 31.03.2021)
1. Extent obtained as donation : 28049.00 acres
2. Extent distributed to beneficiaries : 20522.00 acres
3. Out of balance extent, extent : 7527.00 acres covered under litigation, registration, confirmation, etc.,